Instagram Post - 10/8

Life kicked my ass…

11 months ago, pain brought me to my knees. This quote was my reality. I was diagnosed in June with a rare condition called neuromyelitis optica (NMO. My affliction.

Writing helped me on my journey of being released not just from the grasp of disease but from the prison of my mind. My crutch was fear but it also was the “story” I told myself that my career/work and my obligations, my pride and ego prevented me from having time to CREATE.

Writing helped breath life back into my body and ART opened the bars of the prison I created; and returned my mind back to me.

You don’t have to be a writer or an artist to be liberated by it.

And although you cannot write your own story; you can write yourself as the hero.

Chadwick Boseman once said, “You should be the hero in your own story.” He was.


Instagram Post - 10/18